Student Leadership
We, at KG, believe that all students can be leaders. Some choose to participate in our formal election of four School Leaders and two Environmental Leaders from the Grade 6 class whilst others stand for election as Student Representatives on the Student Representative Council.
Less formally, any Grade 5 or Grade 6 student can nominate for election as Captain or Vice-Captain of our Inter School sporting teams.
Each year the Grade 6 students participate in a Leadership program at the Melbourne Convention Centre. This is run by experts in developing leadership skills for upper primary school age students. The theme of these conferences is that ‘all students can be leaders’.
Throughout the year our students are presented with situations and experiences that allow them an opportunity to lead. Taking on responsibilities such as planning whole school activities such as Footy days, Olympic Day or Tabloid sports days allows the students to develop skills and understandings that will benefit them into the future.
District Leadership Days provide opportunities for our Grade 6 students to mix with peers from local schools to share ideas, learn about activities such as running meetings, planning fund-raising activities and organising school projects. On these days they may also have the opportunity to meet, listen to and question local leaders who have achieved significant success in their lives.
Our School and Environmental Leaders run our weekly School Assembly, host visits by dignitaries, visiting speakers, and parents and friends on Open Days.
Joey’s Corner is our fortnightly student newsletter and this is published by a committee of Grade 6 students who nominated for positions on the committee and who undertook a selection process conducted by peers under the direction of the Grade 6 teacher. All students in the school are able to submit articles or work to be included in an edition of Joey’s Corner.