The School Council is responsible for the School's education policy, management of School finances, maintenance and improvement of buildings and grounds, and employment of non-teaching staff. It comprises an elected group of parent and teacher representatives and the Principal, and may also include the bursar and co-opted members. Elections for half the elected members are held in March of each year, each member being elected for a two year term. After each annual election you will be issued with a list of current council members and office bearers, together with their phone numbers. Council meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 3:45 pm. Notice is given of these meetings in the weekly newsletter and they are open to all members of the school community.
The School Council operates using a system of committees, including: Buildings and Grounds, Education, Finance, Fundraising/Parents & Friends Association and Outside School Hours Care.
Additional members are always welcome on these committees.
Buildings and Grounds
The School Council's Buildings and Grounds subcommittee organises one regular working bee each term . Each family is asked to commit to two working bees during the year during which minor maintenance and repair jobs are done as well as general cleanups. All working bees end with a lunch eg sausage sizzle and refreshments which are supplied by the school. The main mowing of the school is done by School Council contract.