Meet the Principal
I have been fortunate to be the Principal of Kangaroo Ground Primary since 2006 and take great pride in being part of our wonderful school community.
Kangaroo Ground Primary School is situated in the picturesque semi-rural ‘green wedge’ environment. Established in 1853, the school is organised into composite classes to suit our enrolment which varies between 150 and 250 depending on the movement of families in our local district. The school currently has an SFO rating of0.22 and a low number of families receiving E.M.A.
With a dedicated and committed staff, Kangaroo Ground Primary is known for providing a safe, secure, high performing and stimulating environment where individual differences are valued and where risk-taking, co-operation and effective communication is encouraged. It is an environment that fosters student confidence and promotes a culture in which students, staff, parents and other members of the community display a sense of pride. We aim to provide a broad and comprehensive curriculum which ensures that students are supported and extended to meet their needs and aspirations and to optimise student achievement and success by ensuring each student is challenged, extended and motivated to reach their potential. Our school community functions in a highly valued partnership and is actively involved in projects to sustain this culture. Parents are involved in many different aspects of school life such as classroom help, camps, excursions, sport, chess and school council.
If you are looking for more information about our school please contact the office to arrange a tour at a convenient time, we will be happy to show you the wonderful learning opportunity Kangaroo Ground Primary provides our students.
Laurie Murray